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04 September 2015

Pregnancy Diary- 21 Weeks

Here is my overview of week 21! :)

So at 21 weeks, baby Liam is the length of a carrot, and weighs about three-quarters of a pound!

This week I definitely felt A LOT of movement, and everyday that goes by, the movements get stronger. This week actually, my husband and I were able to feel a little kick! 

I'm starting to show more and more, and the best part of my days are when random people notice that I'm pregnant and aren't afraid to ask about it. I love it when they notice! :)

Week 21 came with a reaaaally big appetite, which I love. Everything sounds good to eat, and it seems like everything tastes 100x better. The other day I had cotton candy, and to me, it was the best cotton candy I've ever had in my life! haha This week also came with sleepiness. At around 5pm, my body sorta starts to shut down, and all I want to do is close my eyes and take a nap.

Speaking of naps, I've been trying to take one, or at least just lay in bed and rest a little everyday. It's almost become a little routine. Me, Liam, and Nala (my dog), we go tot he room, lay in bed, I put on a lullaby close to my belly, and we all fall asleep.

I'm really keeping a close eye on my skin, because I've noticed some light stretch marks on the side of my legs and hips. I've been using a moisturizer and a oil on top everyday. ( I will try to do a review of those). My belly thank God is clear of stretch marks, and I'm trying to keep it that way.

I've been feeling overwhelmed the past couple of days because I feel like there is so much to do, in so little time, but I'm trying to stay cool, and take one day at a time.

And here is my belly shot of the week:


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1 comment:

  1. your body so sexy. desiring to taste you. I really got hard with that


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